Saturday, December 13, 2008

How the Church in the West Confuses the Church in Asia

"...They received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.” Acts 17:11

Nowadays, the current confusing situation of God’s people in the West affects the Asian church so much. This has made many Adventists in the verbally base community in Asia to wonder why there is so much confusion when it is simply obeying what the Bible clearly says.

The Seventh-day Adventist church in the West has been characterized by division. Many educated church leaders, have tried to question the fundamental beliefs of the church. Some members who want to keep the Biblical doctrine pure have form independent organizations. I was surprise to see how this confusing Adventist community in the West affects our church in Asia especially in my home country in the Philippines.

These hilltribe Adventist people in the mountain has been wondering why there is so much division and confusion going on when they think it is simply obeying the plain teaching in the Bible. To them who could not really read, they open their hearts and simply believe that, “Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.” Luke 11:28. While some, "they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.” Acts 17:11. But they have not criticized the Word of God.

Today, many Adventist missionaries in the West love to be God’s representatives in the church in Asian but in reality their teachings are representing other branch of Adventism. They can be hardly recognized by the very ordinary members who plainly accept the Bible as inspired. Now it is the time to learn from those ordinary people we called needy and ignorance. The one we came to reach, teaching them some basic knowledge could give us wisdom, to draw close to God. They have many things to teach more than we could share.

They are simply more on verbals, but when the Holy Spirit will work in their heart, they can be intelligent for God’s cause. Our formal schools may produce leaders but may not produce humble servants. It may produce scholars but may not produce diehard missionary frontliners. It may produce teachers but may not produce teachables. It often produces dominant-like but may not produce Christ-like. It may produce intellectual but may not produce spiritual, which is the greatest need of the world to see among us.

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