Thursday, December 25, 2008

37 Audio Bible Lessons

Things are busy from the past several weeks till this Christmas. But praise the Lord that our first set of audio Bible Lessons (37 Lessons) has just finished. There have been some financial and technical obstacles but God was not short of means. We couldn’t have a laptop for this project but God has provided us on time. An Indian friend of mine loss and wasn’t able to find job and so he decided to sell his laptop in an installment basis. And I discovered later on that his Thai Buddhist wife used to work in a calling cente. And so I decided to hire his wife for our Audio Bible Lessons projects. As I started to work as audio editor, I realized that editing and re-editing is a long process, especially that I still need to learn more the Thai language. But we are so happy for the success of the first set. Why audio Bible lessons are so important? Because many are not interested to read and others simply don’t know how to read. On top of that, Filipinos and other foreign missionaries could really express themselves in such a way that their Bible interest will really understand. As “faith comes by hearing” Romans 10:17.

This first set of 37 lessons in mp3 format is very useful to reach out our Buddhist brothers who have zero background about God into knowing Jesus Christ in a clear and understandable way. My friend Buddhist wife-totally isolated in the Buddhist environment, who recorded them, commented that she really understood and she enjoyed every lesson. She was so oppose to Christianity, not allowing his Moslem husband to listen to the audio Bible and join our cell group meeting. Now praise God that she is glad to join with her husband. She even invited her neighbor to join the Bible study meeting. This set is also great tools to learn Thai language since they are in mp3 format.

If you feel you need this material please consider sending a small donation. The suggested donation is 95 baht per CD (free shipment!). Or you can send ten blank CD’s then we will send you one copy. This is to help fulfill our goal to make a lot of copies to be distributed to the oral base community in the mountain for free. And you can participate this way.

Name your order now so we will know how many copies to make. E-mail me to order. Just simply put "send me" then specify the number of copies and then your complete postal address or the address of your friend you want to receive the lessons. Payment will be made through paypal so it would be easier. The SULADS Resource Center is a faith base project. We wish to give this out for free. But it has been very challenging to pay workers. As self-supporting ministry, keeping this audio recording project has been proven to be very challenging to us. Your small payment will serve as a donation so the SRC could normally function to produce more materials.

If you feel you need them for your ministry but you don’t have means to donate, please e-mail me and tell me about your case so I could send you for free.
We are in the process of doing another new set of lessons ( Steps to Christ Thai verion in audio and Learning Thai prayers for Foreigners ) with booklet in English and the Thai script and the Thai transliteration script (Thai written in English) booklet and audio and we hope to finish them soon. So this 3 type of scripts and the mp3 format audio will make it easy for you to learn Thai prayers.
God is so good to give us the opportunity to help spread his word in this way. Jesus is surely coming.

Please visit our website at and click missionary shop for more information.

Sulads Resource Center

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