Sunday, November 2, 2008

Impact of Home Visitation

Sulad Jhun Cardeinte

“Therefore go and make disciples..." Matthew 28:19

Among the many public evangelism I have participated in the Philippines, I found out that most of the decisions of our baptismal candidates were the result of house-to-house visitation. The contribution of these visiting activities to the success of evangelistic effort, is beyond anyone could imagined.

The pen of inspiration goes on saying, “It is not preaching that is the most important; it is house-to-house work, reasoning from the Word, explaining the Word. It is those workers who follow the methods that Christ followed who will win souls for their hire.” GW 468.

In the cross-cultural route, success in the works largely depends on our personal going out to meet people where they are. “The Lord desires that the truth shall come close to the people, and this work can only be accomplished by personal labor.” Ev 445

Missionary works is not a wait and see job. It is a going out business! “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…,” Matt.28:19. We can learn from the farmers. They go out to sow seeds. Matt. 13:3. They don't sit down waiting in the seed barn, praying for the field to come to him! We go to the lost, not asking or waiting for them to come to us.

One more encouragement from the pen of inspiration, “House-to-house laborers are needed. The Lord calls for decided efforts to be put forth in places where the people know nothing of Bible truth.” CT 540.

We go out to visit the villagers' home to reach them out. Scattering the seeds and to harvest means you need to go to the field. But why be diligent to visit? To discover the needs of the villagers living in the territory. Visiting will help us discover the sick person, let other people feel important and etc., so that they would know that we really care.

A missionary needs to go out and spend time with the people he is reaching. “Are you seeking to become acquainted with those who need your help? Are you using your opportunities and advantages and means in winning souls to Christ?” HP 320 “This house-to-house labor, searching for souls, hunting for the lost sheep, is the most essential work that can be done.” Ev 431

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