Monday, July 21, 2008

Is Caring Enough? How God's Enemy Use Humanitarian Works

Sulad Jhun Cardeinte

To care people is a nice thing but our work-goal does not stop right there. I could still remember my personal experience in my first mission field in one of the mission school in the Philippines. I got a partner ahead of me for about 5 months in the mission field. It was a pioneering work. People were so prejudice about hearing God’s word. Many months passed, after a routine of caring for the sick villagers, helping the needy and the likes, I could sense that we already won their confidence, so we were really glad about it. But my partner had always warned me not to talk about Jesus and the Bible, so I did. We just introduce gospel songs for the children and some stories that have moral lessons.

One day, when I was left alone in our cottage, a group of mothers- our good supporters in the village asked me about the Sabbath and about our Christian lifestyle, as they always observe us having unique differences with them. I remember my partner’s words but it seems there was a small voice that prompted my heart to communicate the truth to them. Sensing the rare opportunity, so I told them about how a true Christian should walk as Jesus did as our perfect example. Mothers were nodded in approval while hearing my side concerning our faith.

I was so happy as I went back to the cottage. I feel that I was unburden that day. So excited to relate my fresh experience to my older partner, I told everything to him. But I felt so disappointed as he replied angrily. He asked me why I told those things to them. He added that if somebody would ask me again concerning our faith, I will just tell them we just follow what our parents believed.

Is that how we represent the Savior? Is that how we accomplish our mission? Our mission is to make proclaim God’s Word, so we can make disciples as the final result. Caring must followed by teaching and after this equipping. Sad picture can be seen in many humanitarian organization today which ended their services to caring. They don’t have real program that equip the missionary members. This also reflects to the kind of missionary they have. The result, though they are gathering many people, they are not actually growing.

Is it a very sad thing to hear we stay long in the field, just waste our effort, time and money doing social works. Helping them for their stomach but neglecting the real saving purpose, to fulfill the great commission. We are gospel worker not a social worker. Meeting three areas in the village namely; health, agriculture and education are important in fact the government is also trying to do something to at least uplift the life of the people. But this must not be our main concentration or else we don’t have any difference from the humanitarian upliftment program. And the people will miss on heaven.

Jesus is active in humanitarian work, but let us look at carefully the "Jesus' humanitarian method." Let us examine the reasons why Jesus feed the 5,000 people recorded in Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6: 32-44, Luke 9:10-17 and John 6:1-12;

1. The crowd followed him- “But many who saw them leaving recognized them and ran on foot from all the towns and got there ahead of them.” Mark 6:33, (see Matt.14:13, Luke 9:11, John 6:2)

2. Remote place- “As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place…” Matt. 14:15 (see Mark 6:35, Luke 9:12

3. Already very late- “…and it’s already very late.” Mark 6:35 (see Matt. 14:15, Luke 9:12)

The feeding of 4,000 people has revealed similar reasons;

1. The crowds have been with Jesus-“I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. Matt.15:32.

2. They are hungry and may collapse on the way- “I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.” Matt. 15:32, Mark 8:3

3. Some of them came from far places- Mark 8:3

Yes, they are hungry, but what made them hungry? Is it because they were doing personal business or hearing the word of God? Firstly, they have been following Jesus. The record implies that Jesus, His disciples, and the people had been without either food or rest during the entire day because of their spiritual enrichment program. Then everyone was hungry. The disciples could see no solution to the problem but to dismiss the people, asking them to go hoem. But the “compassion” of Jesus (see v. 34) extended to their physical and spiritual well-being.

There are a lot of Missionary program today which offers too material rather than spiritual. In the sense that their concentration is more focus on health, agricultural and educational. The Apostle Paul's ministry recorded in Acts gives as an idea of our job description as gospel proclaimer,“…He took the disciples with him and had discussions daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus. This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord.” Acts 19:9,10. The reason why everyone who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of God because everyday the Apostle Paul devoted his time for an intensive program of public evangelism. The Apostle Paul conducted lectures, but his lecture was not on health, agriculture and education. A lot of effort he exerted were basically focus on proclaiming the gospel.
It is a sad fact that there are missionaries today who don’t know even how to conduct Bible study, because they don’t have the basic training. The reason is that their concentration is focus on humanitarian program. As the Apostle was wise to “…took the disciples with him and had discussions daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus.” Acts 19:9. So it is wise for us to conduct a serious effort, equipping our missionaries of the word of God, so that the near villages will hear the word of God.
It is a responsibility of the outreach movement to check out whether their missionaries are thorough equipped and knows how to impart the gospel.
We must be involved in expanding the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. The problem we faced is not just how to improve them but most important is how to evangelize them. Or else they see no difference from that of other social organization.
A true missionary is conscious that he has a heavy responsibility to present the truth. I appreciate those movement that are reaching the unreach which give special “how to give Bible study” training. As I have notice that there are movements today that excludes this most important training. How could they impart God’s word when they are not equip to the things they need?
The pen of inspiration says, “in a special sense Seventh-day Adventists have been set in the world as watchmen and light bearers.”9T 19. We must take note that we are not the light but we are just bringing the light. We are not the truth but we are just carriers of truth. They couldn’t see the truth we bear unless we are going to share what we have. It wouldn’t be appropriate to say our presence in the mission field is enough. As it is “Now, just now, is the time to obey the commission, “teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” Matthew 28:20. Those who do this work must have a ready knowledge of the Scriptures. “It is written” is to be their weapon of defense. God has given us light on His word, that we may give this light to our fellow men.” CT 540.
In reality, doing social works alone will benefit their stomach but not their hearts. We must reach their heart by letting the truth shine out.

It is not bad to do social work and I'm not against them. Caring the sick, providing them food and clothing, educating them, and etc. But if we forget our mission-tasks that would be another story. Our goal why we invest our time, effort and money is to spread the everlasting goodnews of Jesus. Doing humanitarian services means an opportunity to share Jesus. Humanitarian program should not be the end of our goal itself, but it is a starting point to find chances to witness.

Let us remember our accountability towards God. He placed the burden of on our shoulders to declare the truth. It is not enough to do social works! It is beyond. The gospel must be proclaimed. In the whole Asia alone we have thousands of villages just remain unreached. So how come you will be stagnated in the so-called social development and upliftment program. “ All of us must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent me, because there is little time left before the night falls and all work comes to an end.” John 9:4. We need to ask the Holy Spirit’s guidance that we may do the right thing God wants us to do.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Danger of Relying on the Translator

Sulad Jhun Cardeinte

“For if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air.” 1 Cor. 14:8, 9

To communicate the gospel effectively we must not let the locals understand us but rather we must understand them by learning their own language.
There are non-English speaking countries which some people can speak English. But it wasn’t complete, they have their mother tongue and so often times when they express themselves in English it couldn’t represent their real feeling and emotion.

Mistakes would not be avoided if you asked one of the locals to translate your sermon. Depending on the ability of the translator but by experience, I learned later on that out of 100% only about 40 to 45 % is being communicated. This means without taking time to acquire the local language we will not like to reach our goal to reach the unreach. But most alarming here is that the limited translator expresses what he understands and believes, though he is trying to represent you.
It is not bad to have translator at the start while doing the friendship evangelism. But as our ministry started to mature and so we move on to present the unique doctrine of salvation as their understanding progresses.

In that critical stage, though the first thing we should consider to a translator is his language ability, there is danger of relying on him (translator) since what he usually expresses is his view about certain things. This involves his spiritual experience in the past.

Evangelists who do not take time to learn the language are often misrepresented by their limited translators. We can read a lot on the internet about the huge number of baptism after the almost a month evangelistic meeting of a well-known evangelist. But do you think they have the biggest part of the success? No. Because oftentimes when they arrived at the evangelistic meeting place everything is ready and candidates for baptisms were already finish their Bible study at their respective homes. Believe me, those were actually the faithful and untiring effort of the local laymen. Well, we can excuse the visiting evangelists and missionaries but language acquisition should be one of the first priorities of the long term missionaries.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Lessons I Have Learned in Two Weeks

Sulad Jhun Cardeinte
(This article written in October 2007)

When I stepped back on the airport, everything had flashed back in my mind the things that I have had a lot of trouble adjusting almost a year past. But I get through with it and was getting used to living in Thailand. But being absent for several months, it seemed everything I see is like a new experience to me. I could feel the impact of the strange things that confronted me in my head; the kind of people, the belief, the language, stressful traffic, spicy food, styles of dress and etc. I know I’ve got a return shock and so I paused for a moment and say “LORD, please direct my steps.” As I felt the need to undergo some process of enculturation again to understand the people’s thinking and new way of life around me.


The day I arrived, I heard about evangelistic meeting that was going on in the Chinese Adventist church through my sisters’ friend that visited them that day. Having gone to the challenging air trip in the middle of the night, I was still dizzy and actually needed some rest. But the friends of my sister persuaded me to help them sing. It was an official invitation for the night evangelistic presentation.

Knowing that Chinese in Thailand are still Thai by language, I decided to go with them, thinking that I can inspire them through Thai songs. That evening came and we were ready to sing. We sang the first song”As the Deer” and I sang the Thai version “Jit Win Yan”. The audience was so amaze seeing a Pilipino singing Thai song. That has been the natural impact I always observe whenever I sing in the Thai church. But some of them were so touch that they can’t help waving their hands with their very emotional faces. They seemed enjoying the heavenly moment with God as they could feel it through the song.

But many can’t help but turned on their videos and some their cameras to get me shots. It seems that it was their first time to hear a clear Thai song from a foreigner. And they wanted to gather what they heard and get memories for their future use. But they forgot the heavenly blessings of that moment.

This holds true to our Christian experience that we try to escape the present moment of our lives by the busyness of the things we tried to build up for our future use and forget to live the full spiritual life at the present time. We love to linger the past moments and work hard for the future that we neglect the status of our present relationship with God.


When the Sabbath afternoon came, a missionary minded family invited me to join them distributing the free “Steps to Christ” with a new attractive cover “The Secrets of Happiness.” The plan was to distribute a big box to “Lumpini Park” the most known and biggest park in Bangkok. Everyone was excited as we were heading to the park. As we stepped off the taxi, just in front of the guarded gate, we helped carry the heavy box going inside the park. One of the two guards in the main gate suspiciously stretched his neck to peep the inside of our box. But we simply passed by naturally as if we did not bring questionable things to distribute inside the park. I already knew that such religious activity would not make the Thai government happy. Thousands of religious books had been confiscated by them in the past. But that missionary family (a Filipino who has been teaching in Bangkok) was purely innocent and all they know were to help save the Thai people.

As we got through the park, we made the box ready on the bench. Seeing many people gladly walking, I and the kids started to gather books in our hands to distribute. Unfortunately, we placed the box just about 10 meters away to another guard station inside the park.

I knew that the guard will really stop us, but I did not tell anyone of my companion to avoid early commotion. But I gathered the books without delay and slipped away to the very opposite direction. In about 4 minutes, as I started handed out the books, I saw them from the distance that the guard had confronted them and finally ordered to take the box away from the park.

Innocent and obedient as they were, they headed back outside the park. I thought that was the end of our activity, but they started giving books outside the park just in front of the main gate! They offer the books to anyone without exception even those who were going inside the park. They even gave one to the guard!

As I finished giving the books to people inside, I headed outside the park and was amaze seeing many people entering the park reading the books. I even saw the guard reading at his table as I reached the gate! Seeing the remaining few copies of books in the big box, I joined with them. And finally carried the empty box again inside the park!

Statistically, 70% accepted our free book gifts. But 30% refused the gifts with varied reasons. Some refuse because they said they will do the jog exercise and don’t want to have something in hand that will disturb their rhythm. Outside the park, some refused because they were so busy and have no time to read while some walked with their fix plan and don’t want to be delayed.

Too long to write, but these are all present in the Christian realms. The Holy Spirit has been trying to do everything, every possible ways beyond human eyes can see. But He has been half welcome! We sometimes give very small space to HIM that HE can hardly work freely! We do not give the Holy Spirit the full chance to get involve in every detail in our life. Then we unconsciously go against the things God wants. We tend to become so engross with our work, wanting to let everyone see that we are one of the best workers in this planet!

How much space we give for the Holy Spirit? Is HE still the one that controls the rhythm of our life? If we give HIM the full chance to drive the steering of our life and accept HIS full guidance then we will truly understand that His plan is the best!


Pet lovers as they were, we realized that no one is allowed to bring dog at the park. This is a problem different from the challenge we met through the big box of books we brought in. But the guard at the gate did not notice the small animal with us. And so we were admitted. We passed by several steel board notices at the park that no dog is really allowed. But we tried to insist that we only bring a puppy and not dog. But as we kept on walking, we realized that there is no such thing as puppy in Thai language and it belongs to one name “ma.” No matter how small or big it is! But we can’t let the puppy go. In fact, the husband and the two boys of maam Luisa went back home to get another two puppies! They love the puppy so much that we decided to carry it wherever we go and trying to hide it whenever we saw a park guard. It was a bad experience that I was physically and mentally involved and affected!

When it began to dark, we decided to go home. Many strict guards were guarding at the gate but fortunately they all stayed in one place and we easily outsmart them and were so happy to make our way out from the park without their knowledge. Then we ate outside and enjoy at the small restaurant with the cute puppy! Then finally we waited for the cheaper public bus, hoping we could save some money. It seemed that we were waiting for the last bus since we waited for more than 30 minutes. But finally it arrived and we happily got in right away.

Unfortunately, we were not aware that people bringing animals are not allowed to ride the bus. When the unforgiving conductress saw the puppy with us, she was so upset and asked the driver to stop and with all her authority ordered us all to step out right away from the bus in the presence of many passengers! To avoid further embarrassment, we stepped out right away just because of a small puppy. Still in the feeling of shame and humiliation, we decided to ride the expensive taxi.

Do you have small puppy in your spiritual life? The silly things that you love most that is so hard to give up. Ask God on how to surrender your small puppy-sin. Christians who won’t give up their small puppies will be put to shame in the judgment day.

Disciple Maker or Social Worker?

Sulad Jhun Cardeinte

“…He took the disciples with him and had discussions daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus. This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord.” Acts 19:9,10

By experience, I have learned that the best we can offer in the mission field is not enough to meet the needs of the people we are working in. Cross-cultural ideas alone cannot finish our mission! The first thing we must do is not to learn the cross-cultural ideas but to empty our self so that the Holy Spirit will use us. Our examples we exerted are not even safe guide unless moment by moment we are asking the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead us.

I remember a strategy of the humanitarian workers in Thailand. They were supposed to be missionaries working in a certain Christian denomination. But they had been drinking alcohol whenever invited by the villagers. Sometimes a missionary lower the standards to accommodate or sometimes even compromise a little bit. We try to weaken the gospel standards to gain baptism. Thus, we are producing lukewarm members of the church.

Is Caring Enough?

To care people is a nice thing but our work does not stop right there. I could still remember my personal experience in my first mission field in one of the mission school in Philippines. I got a partner ahead of me for about 5 months in the mission field. It was a pioneering work. People were so prejudice about hearing God’s word. Many months passed, after a routine of caring for the sick villagers, helping the needy and the likes, I could sense that we already won their confidence, so that we were really glad about it. But my partner had always warned me not to talk about Jesus and the Bible, so I did. We just introduce gospel songs for the children and some stories that have moral lessons.

One day, when my partner was left alone in our cottage, a group of mothers- our good supporters in the village asked me about the Sabbath and about our Christian lifestyle, as they always observe us having unique differences with them. I remember my partner’s words but it seems there was somebody that prompts my heart to communicate the truth to them. Sensing the rare opportunity, so I told them about how a true Christian should walk as Jesus did as our perfect example. Mothers were nodded in approval while hearing my side concerning our faith.

I’m so happy as I went back to the cottage. I feel that I was unburden that day. So excited to relate my fresh experience to my older partner, I told everything to him. But I felt so disappointed as he replied angrily. He asked me why I told those things to them. Warning me that if somebody would ask me again concerning our faith, I will just tell them we just follow what our parents have believed.
Is that how we represent the Savior? Is that how we accomplish our mission? Our mission is to make disciples by proclaiming God’s Word. Caring must followed by teaching and after this equipping. Sad picture can be seen in many humanitarian organization today which ended their services to caring. They don’t have real program that equip the members. The result, though they are gathering many people, they are not actually growing.

Is it a very sad thing to hear we stay long in the field, just waste our effort, time and money doing social works. Helping them for their stomach but neglecting the saving purpose, to fulfill the great commission. We are gospel worker not a social worker. Meeting three areas in the village namely; health, agriculture and education are important in fact the government is also trying to do something to at least uplift the life of the people. But this must not be our main concentration or else we don’t have any difference from the humanitarian upliftment program. Let us look at the reasons why Jesus feed the 5,000 people recorded in Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6: 32-44, Luke 9:10-17 and John 6:1-12;

1. The crowds followed him- “But many who saw them leaving recognized them and ran on foot from all the towns and got there ahead of them.” Mark 6:33, (see Matt.14:13, Luke 9:11, John 6:2)

2. Remote place- “As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place…” Matt. 14:15 (see Mark 6:35, Luke 9:12

3. Already very late- “…and it’s already very late.” Mark 6:35 (see Matt. 14:15, Luke 9:12)

The feeding of 4,000 people revealed the similar reasons;
1. The crowds have been with Jesus-“I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. Matt.15:32.

2. They are hungry and may collapse on the way- “I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.” Matt. 15:32, Mark 8:3

3. Some came from a far place- Mark 8:3

They are hungry but what makes them hungry. Is it because they were doing business or hearing the word of God? The record implies that Jesus, His disciples, and the people had been without either food or rest during the entire day. The disciples could see no solution to the problem but to dismiss the people. But the “compassion” of Jesus (see v. 34) extended to their physical well-being as well as to their spiritual.

There are a lot of Missionary program today which offers too material rather than spiritual. In the sense that their concentration is more focus on health, agricultural and educational. The record in Acts gives as an idea of our job description as gospel proclaimer,“…He took the disciples with him and had discussions daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus. This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord.” Acts 19:9,10. The reason why everyone who lived in the province of Asia heard the word of God because everyday the Apostle Paul devoted his time for an intensive program of public evangelism. The Apostle Paul conducted lectures, but his lecture was not on health, agriculture and education. A lot of effort he exerted were basically focus on proclaiming the gospel.

It is a sad fact that there are missionaries today who don’t know even how to conduct Bible study, because they don’t have the basic training. The reason is that their concentration is focus on humanitarian program. As the Apostle was wise to “…took the disciples with him and had discussions daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus.” Acts 19:9. So it is wise for us to conduct a serious effort, equipping our missionaries of the word of God, so that the near villages will hear the word of God.

It is a responsibility of the outreach movement to check out whether their missionaries are thorough equipped and knows how to impart the gospel.
We must be involved in expanding the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. The problem we faced is not just how to improve them but most important is how to evangelize them. Or else they see no difference from that of other social organization.
A true missionary is conscious that he has a heavy responsibility to present the truth. I appreciate those movement that are reaching the unreach which give special “how to give Bible study” training. As I have notice that there are movements today that excludes this most important training. How could they impart God’s word when they are not equip to the things they need?

The pen of inspiration says, “in a special sense Seventh-day Adventists have been set in the world as watchmen and light bearers.”9T 19. We must take note that we are not the light but we are just bringing the light. We are not the truth but we are just carriers of truth. They couldn’t see the truth we bear unless we are going to share what we have. It wouldn’t be appropriate to say our presence in the mission field is enough. As it is “Now, just now, is the time to obey the commission, “teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” Matthew 28:20. Those who do this work must have a ready knowledge of the Scriptures. “It is written” is to be their weapon of defense. God has given us light on His word, that we may give this light to our fellow men.” CT 540.

In reality, doing social works alone will benefit their stomach but not their heart. We must reach their heart by letting the truth shine out.
It is not bad to do social work. Caring the sick, providing them food and clothing, educating them, and etc. But if we forget our mission-tasks that would be another story. Our goal why we invest our time, effort and money is to spread the everlasting goodnews of Jesus.

Let us remember our accountability towards God. He placed the burden of on our shoulders to declare the truth. It is not enough to do social works! The gospel must be proclaimed. In the whole Asia alone we have thousands of villages just remain unreached. So how come you will be stagnated in the so-called social development and upliftment program. “ All of us must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent me, because there is little time left before the night falls and all work comes to an end.” John 9:4. We need to ask the Holy Spirit’s guidance that we may do the right thing God wants us to do.

God bless.

Illiteracy Challenge

Sulad Jhun Cardeinte

“Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:19,20

In the cross-cultural ministry, especially in the illiterate community, pressures are great in shaping the members spiritually, since there communication largely verbally based. Distribution of religious books or any printed page will not do for their spiritual nourishment. In Philippines alone, time and money were seem wasted for many years, thousands of translated materials for them seem of no use.
Missionary presence seems their only way of getting spiritual food, since they are “no-read no-write.” Depending largely on what they hear and see, their spiritual maturity is a challenge that we need to pray for God’s wisdom on how to nourish them properly.

Sad thing is when we treat the illiterate as non-persons and neglect them. Thinking they are too ordinary people in our sight and we are not interested to see details in their life and listen to their story but sometimes in a hurry. “Talk as though they were as good a piece of humanity as you are. They have little enough light and joy, and why not carry additional joy and light to shine in upon them and fill their hearts.” WM 90. Missionaries who are always interested to listen to them often rewarded with success.

We must understand that they are students of the “school of practical experience.” Though they are illiterate in the eyes the world but they are not ignorance at all. For example, the Manobo hill tribe in the Philippines they are not following written rules but they have oral rules to ensure and maintain peace order and to solve problems, which is sometimes better than our way. They have unwritten rules and experience that we can learn from them. When the Holy Spirit will work in their heart, they can be intelligent for God’s cause. Formal school may produce leaders but may not produce humble servants. It may produce scholars but may not produce diehard missionary frontliners. It may produce teachers but may not produce teachables. It may produce dominant-like but may not produce Christ-like. It may produce intellectual but may not produce spiritual, which is the greatest need of the world to see among us.

We can discover from the theology program even here in Asia that almost all of the books are labeled by western. Look at Asian churches today, they seem a reflection of a western culture. Sad to say some church practices seem going out from the Biblical culture.

It seems that western culture became the source of form and authority, because many Asian ministers and missionaries try to get education from the west. This may establish pride and obviously one of the evil of global mission, which will endanger our solemn task.

Nowadays, it seems to appear that the basic qualification for ministry is educational degree and no longer spirituality. Sad to say that this measuring rod of qualification in the world of business has been strongly going inside the church. This seems contrary to the Bible record of the early church, “Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them.” Acts 6:3.

Let me tell you a fact, in the Philippines alone, there are hundreds if not thousand of illiterate laymen who became powerful witnesses. And we cannot deny that some of them have a higher number of baptisms than that of the high educated pastors.
We must take note that they have the equal ability to grow spiritually if they are rightly nurtured. Though it may vary by responsibilities, illiterate are equally able to that of formal schooled members for God. This is the reality if we look at the record in Acts;

“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. But since they could see the man who had been healed standing there with them, there was nothing they could say.” Acts 4: 13,14
We can see that when the Holy Spirit will work in their heart they are equally useful for God. As the pen of inspiration says, “No amount of education, no advantages, however great, can make one a channel of light without the co-operation of the Spirit of God. The sowing of the gospel seed will not be a success unless the seed is quickened into life by the dew of heaven.” DA 172. The amazing thing is that this illiterate people can hardly be stopped telling about Jesus! Let’s look again the record in Acts;

“The priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to Peter and John while they were speaking to the people. They were greatly disturbed because the apostles were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead. They seized Peter and John, and because it was evening, they put them in jail until the next day. But many who heard the message believed, and the number of men grew to about five thousand…Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:1-4,18-20.

Today, some movements which are reaching the illiterate community miss the most important point. We need to understand that the most important we should do in this non-reader communities are not teaching them how to read and write. Sometimes we imitate the western trend. And we are of no difference from the humanitarian programs. Sometimes, we forced them to join in the adult class when they are not interested anymore. Remember that when people grow old, mostly, their interests in formal schooling were already lapsed.

How much more to them where influences of schools are very slim. It is not necessary that we will teach them how to read and write. This may even bring dangers to some since this will eventually lead them to self-confidence and pride. Instead that they will depend upon the guidance and wisdom from the Holy Spirit to used them in the ministry. The early church became effective not because they are intelligence but because they were full of the Holy Spirit.

It doesn’t mean we will no longer build a school for them anymore. School is also important as a center for evangelism and will serve as a starter of our mission goal since the parents love to send their kids in school and we can introduce Jesus. And so that from there we can start to move on build our relationship with the villagers as a whole. But it must not be a prerequisite plan for the adults, unless it is requested. Reading and writing are not so important to them than learning some healthy and practical things that they should not be ignorance. For example, in the Philippines there are unhealthy practices such as defecating anywhere and along the river banks where they get water for drinking, washing, and bathing. They never brush their teeth, and wear no slippers, seldom bath and never use soap in bathing and laundering their clothes. These are necessary things they need to know, so that education in hygiene to improve their health and lives must not be overlook.
Another thing, some hill tribe people think they are saving money when they will not buy slippers or boots, which is not true. They must know that the more they are losing money, if they stepped something like sharp nails, broken glass or they will be bitten by the snake. It may cost them a lot than buying a pair of boots or slippers. But teaching lessons such as health, farming, and education, will just improve their lives but it will not change them. So practical lessons must only be a secondary. We do believe that through our personal example they can be taught lessons of a normal living. If they be only spiritualized firstly, then everything will follow. What is the most important is not more than our careful and sensitive in giving a personal example with them. A missionary must be one with them. “What we want is the tender sympathy of Jesus Christ, and then we can melt our way right into their hearts. We want to clothe ourselves, not with pomposity, but with plain simple dress, so that they will feel that we are an equal with them and as though we considered that they were worth saving, and we can melt our way into their hearts.” WM 90
They have more emphasis on what they see, hear and experience. Though they are not word- readers but they are life readers. They cannot read Bible but they can read your life! That’s why it is important to make ourselves a Bible for them. They need to be cared as often as possible since paper guide will not do to them. What can actually help them is the spiritual person that can guide them.

Lastly, let me end this up by mentioning the six factors which illiterate people can gain learning;

1. By their own doing
2. By their own mistakes
3. Through your doing
4. Through someone guiding
5. By working with them together
6. By listening to what you are saying

God bless.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Christianity Causes Pain?

Let me share the a story about my Indian friend named Shibili.
It is a long story to tell about Shibili's Moslem background and how he became interested about Christianity. But as time goes by our friendship has finally brought me to the point of asking him about his religious background. Knowing that he was brought up with the Moslem parents though not so much interested about religion, I have the unusual feeling that the Holy Spirit will use me to lead Him to the feet of Jesus.

Having been trained by a certain organization (SULADS) for the unreach to specialize on the Moslem and worked for 3 years among the Moslem in the Philippines, has served me well in my recent work.

Anyway, all was started with eating lunch together at school and had found many occasions to share what we believe. And almost every time we talked about religion he was amaze how I come to know much about the Quran and the many things we agreed with each other, especially when we talk about food. I said I believe what the Quran says.

Sensing that his interest about Christianity is growing, I started to visit him in his house. In which those visits would usually end up with sharing what we could have for dinner. Sometimes I brought my food to his house and sometimes he would bring his together with his wife until it became more often as close neighbor. Every time I went out to my house to visit him I always say Lord help me to represent You today.

Few days later, at school Shibili had told me about his tight situation that they have nothing left to buy food. His wife is pregnant and needs adequate food. And so I offer my help and said don’t be shy to ask to me if you have any problem and added that as long as I have I will surely help you. I didn’t realize that this little kindness has brought his door wide open for the message to enter and the Holy Spirit to work.

Then I started inviting him to our once a month English cell group fellowship. This Christ-centered fellowship is design for all Christians around the province regardless of his or her denomination, as we are only very few Christians in the entire province. Through this cell-group, Shibili has started to understand about what Christian fellowship is. He said he like the fellowship so much and said he will bring his wife with him next meeting.


His religious acquaintances were back up by few major occasions. One was when the Baptist church (the only protestant church here in the entire Phayao Province, Thailand) was desperately looking for anyone who can play the guitar for a house blessing. Having been introduced to them through a Christian cell group gathering last December, Sister Gim requested me to play the guitar for them. Thinking that this may be an opportunity for me to witness, I went. That time I also invited Shibili, who has started to enjoy being part of the Christian fellowship. I felt it would be a good time for him to be exposed more to Christian fellowship and activities.

Providentially, the organizer asked me to sing a special song. I was thinking that it would be a good chance to witness because there were many non-Christians attending the house blessing. So I sang a Thai song "Rao Namasakan" (we worship GOD). They all expected to hear English song from me and they were so surprised to hear a Thai song. After my special song we listened to a short message from the pastor. As I opened my Bible to read the pastor's text, Shibili who was sitting beside me asked me where he could buy a Bible for himself. Having been brought up as a Moslem in India, he confessed that he doesn’t know what Bible is. "Would you like to have one?" I asked him. "Yes," he replied. I said I would give him one as soon as we got back to my place. I promised him that. After the event, the pastor and some members came to me and thanked for saving the situation. I praise God that he has given me the talent to sing to witness for HIM.

Finally, we headed home. Then I wrote some important Bible texts on a page in my Bible for Shibili. I made an outline to help him learn about Jesus as GOD and Savior, the Sabbath, the food we eat, and the Ten Commandments. Then I went to his house and handed it to him. I showed him the guidelines I have made for him and briefed him a bit on how to find the texts.

The Friday came, Shibili asked me what I usually do during weekend. I said, I’m helping the hilltribe church in the mountain in the other province Chiangrai. He didn’t know what missionary is all about. But as I saw that he is excited about joining any Christian fellowship. And so I can’t help inviting him to climb up to our Church in other province in Pangkhon, Chiangrai (about 140 kilometers from my homebase).

And so I’ve got a special weekend with him joining. We used his new bike to climb up to the church. It was almost late in the afternoon when we got there. But the beauty of Pangkhon with its frozenness made him exclaimed “this place is fantastic, I want to come back here.” After setting all our stuffs, I toured him around the village and have met some old friends around. I took him to my Buddhist friend named Jay (Chinese missionary teacher). We had talked about half hour and then invited him to join our evening worship. I told him we will start at 7:30 pm. Jay had promised to come before 7:30 and so it added my excitement but wondering if he can make it, the fact that he has students to take care of in their night classes, but good that he was free that evening. That’s what I learn later.

Then we finally went home for dinner. Then wait for worship time. Finally the time has arrived. Jay came on time. He seemed excited singing again the worship songs I had taught him almost a year ago, and so we started singing. Shibili, who was just new to Christian gathering noticeably had struggled to join the singing. I handed him the song sheet and so he tried to sing. And so to make him part of the meeting, I did sing many English songs. We had sung almost all songs I know from the song sheet.

Then I’d shared simple and Christ centered message that Jesus Christ is coming back to end all sufferings and sin and He will take us with Him in heaven. Our worship went very wonderful. I praise God for the rare opportunity to witness these kinds of people.


Another Friday came, I was scheduled to go to Pangkhon Church in Chiangrai. But on Thursday afternoon, the Baptist church leader again asked me if I could help conduct their English Bible camp. They were in a bind to find a replacement for a Filipina they had expected to handle their English Bible camp. They were disappointed because Bridgette, the Filipina, had to go to Bangkok that same weekend for her visa which the school had required of her and so one of their church members, Sister Gim, suggested my name to the church pastor. So my adventure has started again.

They desperately needed someone to tell English Bible stories and children's songs. I told them I would love to do that! Then the pastor's wife exclaimed, "You must be the right person to handle this English Bible camp!" My previous experiences in the many Bible camps served me well, I thank God for those trainings. To make the program work more smoothly, I asked Shibili, to assist me and be my back-up person. I thought that this may be a good way to help Shibili learn about the truth on how sin began and why Jesus had to come down and die.

I prepared two Bible stories, the story of Adam and Eve (how sin began) and Why Jesus had to die. Then, Shibili and I spent almost the whole Friday to learn the action songs for the kids. I was happy that my Adventist training at home helped me a lot. I told Shibili that I love to do these things because I'm doing these for God.

When finally the camp has started, we did a lot of singing, we had Bible drills, I told Bible stories and had the kids to many other interesting things. The kids told us they were enjoying the camp immensely. When it was time to break camp, we were surprised that the church pastor's wife said she had something to say. She brought with her certificates of appreciation and envelopes. Then she called the names one by one. Everyone clapped. She was so happy of what we did and gave as something to show appreciation for our efforts.

When we got home, Shibili and I opened our envelopes together, we were surprised to see 1,200 baht (about 30$) in them! I didn't expect it since I said I did it because of my love for God. Shibili exclaimed, "God really blesses us when we work for HIM!" Three days ago he borrowed money from me for food. Before we parted, I told him that God will make a way if we only trust Him.

He started to discover that God can help him in tight situations. Before he went inside his house he said, "I will keep on reading the Bible you gave me, and let me know when you plan to climb up to church because I want to go with you again!" But his wife who was almost to deliver their second baby keeps him from going with me.

However, there was one time that before I left for a trip to the hilltribe Church in Chiangrai, he shared to me what he had discovered in his bible reading. He said that Bible can be understood very easily and was wondering why other Christians are not following the Bible. As he can personally observed what I have lived and believed and what others do.

He also started download Bible audio in mp3 file from the internet and said that he loved to listen to it. He was so surprise about the things we agreed. He said his experienced inner peace the time he has started to read the Bible. He wants to know more and complained why I write only few texts for him. I apologized and promise him that I will print a complete Bible study guide for him. He asked me what Bible really is and so I explain that the Bible is the Word of God and our perfect guide so we can live a holy life. When our first parents fall into sin, the intimate relationship between God and man was lost, and so our loving God sent the Bible to us using the prophets so all of us will know HIS plan of salvation to restore us to His original plan.


Somehow Satan is not happy with his decision and so he tries to find a way to keep him away from God. His trouble has started when the school did not renew his teaching contract for some reasons. The saddest thing was that it happened when his wife was about to deliver their second baby. So what shall we do now? His Buddhist wife started to blame him and had started talking against Christianity. She said they started to have problem the time he started to read the Bible and becoming interested about being a Christian.

His no earning situation has troubled him so much. I called him one day to give him my special classes so he has something to do for a living. But those last only for few weeks and his situation has become tighter.

Until I got a call from him one day, he said he is planning to go to South Korea to find a job. He said they have nothing and just depend to his in-laws so I said please come to my house. I don’t have much here but I have 2,000 baht to help you. But he said thank you, you are a true friend but he refused to accept my offer. Anyway, I said we have been praying for him.

Finally, he left not to South Korea but back to India, leaving his family behind. I called his wife and asked her how I can help her. I assured her that I’m here to help them. Then his wife told me what happened at the immigration when Shibili went back to India. She said Shibili paid the 20,000 baht penalty for overstaying. I didn’t quiet understand the situation since I knew Shibili has worked legally and work permit. But her wife explained that the school did not get the stamp for his passport at the immigration office. But I don’t know how they manage to pay the big penalty.

Last week, June 20, 2008, that was few days after, I got a call from Shibili, asking me if he can borrow 20,000 baht for his wife to go to India with their baby and then he said you can keep my motorbike. Unfortunately, I have only 6,000 baht food money left for my family. And so I said sorry but I can give you 5,000 baht instead, telling him to put the bike to someone else so he can get more money they need.

Two days after his wife called me and I said I understand your situation and please come to our house. And so she came to get the money. We told her that we wish to help them more but that’s all we can. But we said we have been praying for them. I also sent e-mail to Shibili and I said don’t give up. Keep believing God.

Two days after, I was troubled when got reply from him. This is what he wrote;

“Dear Jan(Jhun),
Thank you for giving money to my wife and helping me, I'll give you the money back in few days, you always help me, you my best friend but no one couldn’t help me and I don’t hide any thing from you, I always tell you everything, I would like to tell you something, When I met you first time I didn’t have any problem but I noticed, after I started being a part of the Christian get together and started reading bible, and started believing in Christian and stopped believing Islam. I lost my Job, Sold my bike, my father got heart attack and had to operate, I got some problem in the airport, at the immigration for over stay due to Phayaopittayakom did not send my Passport and got it stamped and I had to pay 20000 baht, the land which had and, I had to keep it and take 70000 baht on Interest. And I had to face many problems and still I’m in problems.

What do you think about it? What I did is wrong?

I’m totally confused.

I have still hope, I’m still reading bible, and waiting for the miracle, will it happen?

You tell me what to do?

Shibili “

After I got this, I shared it to my wife and we both heavily saddened. And I said we really both need special prayers for them. I have trouble responding his e-mail. I feel he is still too young to understand why he has been suffering.

Now he is hoping for God’s deliverance. Sometimes I put the blame to some well-off Christians around here. When I shared Shibili’s story, they would just said “pity on him, we’ll pray for him.” Even though Shibili’s need is so obvious that he is needing not only our prayers but something he can eat to live on. This is where most Christians fail. Not only to Shibili but for all who need help, our unselfishness is seen as God’s miracle.

Now, Shibili asked me what to do. I don’t know how to answer him but I'm sure God can make it happen!